Do you hear that howl? In Ely, it can only mean one thing, you’re near the International Wolf Center. One of our most treasured institutions is a must-see for anyone who comes to visit Ely. Today we’re going to share four reasons you need to make the International Wolf Center a priority stop on your next vacation.
The wolves themselves
Yes, it’s these wonderful beasts that will bring you to the International Wolf Center in the first place, but this isn’t a zoo. It's a learning experience that immerses you in the lifestyle of wolves and what you can do to help them.
The International Wolf Center has four wolves in its exhibit pack, Boltz, Denali, Grayson and Axel, and you can watch them all in their 1.25-acre habitat from the center’s observation area. These wolves serve as ambassadors for their species to in-person visitors and online learners alike, helping people learn more about what wolves are — and what they aren’t.
Our state is home to more wolves than any other in the lower 48, and this is your chance to stop by and see these magnificent beasts for yourself.
Daily educational programs
Whatever you want to learn about wolves, the International Wolf Center’s daily programs are the spot. Programs include: Wolves of the Northwest, Wolf Enrichment, Ambassadors to the Wild, The Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale and Gray Wolf 101. Each of these programs provides you a wonderful opportunity to learn more about a different aspect of these amazing creatures. Whether you fill a day attending each session or you pick and choose your favorites, there’s a program for everyone.
New programs are always being added and you can find the most up-to-date list here. You’ll also find a list of specialty programs that can be added to your visit plan for an additional charge. Plan your trip with your program(s) of choice in mind and you won’t regret it.
Adventure vacations
Ready to build your trip around a particular theme? Enrolling in an adventure vacation can be just the ticket. These activities are more immersive and a great way to support your interests. A full list of adventure vacations can be found here, allowing you to peruse what appeals most to you. There are different adventures taking place throughout the summer, so scroll through the list to see what interests you and be sure to book your spot as soon as possible.
Enjoy the center by getting away
Leave the center you say? Absolutely. The International Wolf Center is also a great starting point for hiking, dog sledding, snowshoeing and radio tracking activities that you can book for your visit. Ready to really feel the call of the wild? A howling trip is a wonderful way to get out there and connect with your inner wolf.
More questions
We hope this brief look at the offerings available at the International Wolf Center has you excited to see these animals up close. If you have any more questions regarding the center and planning your trip, visit And to find out more about why Ely is the next great place you need to visit, contact us today.