


Our purpose is to “lead a thriving, sustainable economic community through leadership and advocacy, strategic partnerships, career development of its workforce, and business diversity and leadership.”   


The Ely Chamber of Commerce serves Ely, Winton, Babbitt, Tower, Soudan, Lake Vermilion, Embarrass, Isabella, and associated unincorporated areas as a chamber of commerce and visitor-information center.  Thousands of visitors visit the Chamber of Commerce office for information on area attractions, businesses, and events.  

The Ely Chamber of Commerce’s operating budget is funded through voluntary investment by its members. We do not receive funding through the City of Ely, the Ely Tourism Bureau, or other tax dollars.  We value our member’s investment in the Chamber and work hard to maximize each membership dollar.  Membership dues are used for operational costs, training opportunities, advertising, and new business initiatives. 

Our Events & Promotions Committee is a very active and creative part of the Ely Chamber of Commerce.  This hard-working group of business owners and managers oversee the Blueberry/Art and Harvest Moon Festivals, and other Chamber events and promotions.  Both of our festivals generate funds used for our promotions, sponsorships, and new events.  No membership monies are used to support the Events & Promotions Committee activities. 

We offer three different levels of membership depending on the business, organization, or individual applying.  Our full members are businesses within our service area of Ely, Winton, Babbitt, Isabella, and Embarrass.  We offer sponsoring memberships for businesses outside of our service area but within the state of Minnesota.  We also support clubs and organizations within our service area through our sponsoring memberships.  Finally, we offer individual or family memberships.  Individual memberships are a way for those who enjoy or live in our area to support our business community.  Our organization operates year-round with a seven-member board of directors, three full-time staff, and approximately 250 members. 

The Chamber’s calendar year is from July 1st through June 30th; however, membership applications are accepted year-round.  Your support and membership in Ely’s Chamber of Commerce will help us accomplish the goal of sustaining a strong and vibrant business community. If you have any questions about membership or the ways the Chamber supports the business community, please feel free to call the Executive Director, Eva Sebesta, at 218-365-6123.   We also have a FAQ sheet available with some of the most common questions.

Chamber Work: Overview 2019-2021

Chamber Work: Overview 2021-2022

Chamber Work: Overview 2022-2023

Chamber Work: Overview 2023-2024


  • Serves as a Chamber of Commerce and Visitor-Information Center
  • Supports and promotes the Ely area business community
  • Provides information to prospective new business owners
  • Business Incubator Networking-Information sessions
  • Business Networking Breakfasts & After-Hours events
  • Prints and distributes 25,000 Ely Area Business & Visitor Guides
  • Provides assistance to those seeking a shopping, vacation/getaway, or other North Woods experience
  • Maintains and provides free business listings to our members
  • Hosts the central community calendar at
  • Is designated an “Explore Minnesota Affiliate Travel Information Center” by Explore Minnesota 
  • Staffs the Chamber office year-round with three full-time staff
  • Organizes the two largest art & craft festivals in the area, and the WolfTrack Classic Sled dog Race
  • Maintains a close working relationship with a variety of business-related, government, tourism, and recreation agencies
  • Provides event planning guidance, free of charge, to area businesses, clubs, and organizations 


The activities of the Ely Chamber of Commerce actually began with the formation of the Business Men’s Association in 1908. Concerns at that time focused on retail trade, industrial development, taxes, roads, and public health. A standing tourist committee was appointed in 1911 and the Ely Commercial Club was developed in 1916. The Chamber of Commerce’s present constitution and bylaws were adopted in 1959. The organization is a 501 (c) 6 nonprofit business association. 

Social Membership

Social memberships provide an opportunity for residents and visitors to stay connected to all things Ely.  Both are sponsoring memberships...

Sponsoring Membership

Sponsoring members receive a basic website listing (business name, address and phone number), invitation to all Chamber events, subscription to all Chamber...